Consistent player development is imperative across all ages. Knights Knation Mississippi provides a first-class player development program based on an educational curriculum model.
The fall Knights Knation Mississippi player development curriculum is voluntary and will be offered across the organization. Players will be coached in a large group to develop a core understanding of the topic being presented. The players will then break into small mixed groups by age to develop a focused understanding of the topic. Following the program, the coaches will be present for an open hitting period.
The player development program will run November 1st through January 5th and will consist of a Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday structured program from 5:30-7:00 p.m. and hitting from 7:00-8:30 p.m. There will be 4 to 5 coaches per session, including a lead instructor and assistant instructors.
Players WILL NOT throw between November 1st and January 5th. Each player will complete an arm care program per session and will receive instruction on an off-season arm care program for non-session days. Team practices (TBD by their coach) will consist of NON-THROWING activities on Mondays, Fridays and weekends.
- Tuesdays: Offensive Development
- Wednesdays: Pitching Defense, Arm Care Development, Situations
- Thursdays: Defensive Development
This type of player development program is necessary for youth players during the off season and Knights Knation Mississippi will lead by example. A detailed curriculum outline will be sent to each GroupMe by October 24th and a link to the complete program will be available on our website by the end of October.